Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moose in the yard

These two friends were in our yard the other day. We have gotten quite a bit of new snow in the last week. When the snow gets deep the moose come out to the roads and driveways where the snow isn't so deep. It is easier for them to get food where the snow isn't so deep. Our dog, Aurora, had a fit. She didn't want to share our yard with these two trespassers. But she was scared of them so she didn't get too close, she just barked and acted ferocious. The moose weren't phased though.
Can you see Aurora? She is in front of the trailer but still far enough away that the moose couldn't get her. :)


Kim M. said...

Beautiful snow! Loved seeing the moose! We are dying down here this year... we got some nights where the wind chill was below zero. Brrrr*******

LaDonna said...

Your dog looks like a little fox or something compared to those moose. What a neat experience to have wildlife in the yard, as long as it's not bear!

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

Please do make sure all the snow is gone by July!!! :-)