Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Hunter's wife

My husband took this picture. I forgot to ask him where he was when he took it. I'm guessing, with where it was in the placement of all the other pictures, he must have been at A. Carole's or U. Carson's. But it pretty much sums up my life. :) We've seen some pretty cute signs like this.. I really enjoy this kind of humor.

PS. Now that I look more closely at where the picture was in the sequence, I'm thinking this must have been at Darryl and Lisa Quesenberry's house.


Lori said...

Very funny, I can totally relate!

Michelle said...

Love it! I can' relate too!

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

I totally need this at my house!!! LOL


Kim M. said...

My sister's fiance never had a real dad at home to take him hunting and he wanted to start going with my brother. My brother asked her "Are you SURE you want him to do this??? Because once he gets started...."