Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Basket

I got the cutest little Easter Basket today as a hostess gift from Marie Plank. It is pale pink glass, and then she got me some spring-colored Peanut M&M's to fill it. We loved having the Newton's and the Plank's over tonight for dinner. What a great time we had!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

We're going backwards!

This was last week's picture.
Now here we are today... we got about a half inch of you can see by the trees and the rail.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Family Devotions

U. Carson and A. Linda got us a Bible story book when Heidi was a new baby. We used it for a while, a long time ago, but we just recently got it out again and started using it for our family devotions. The twins just love it and I got a picture of them tonight while Andrew was reading.

First Day of Spring

I am going to try to remember to take a picture every Friday, the same spot, same time... etc... until we are all melted. This was taken Friday, March 20th, the first day of Spring. It has been a little cold here... usually we are in the 20's and 30's by the end of March but we have had a slow start to "Spring" and weren't above 10 this past week. We are slowly supposed to be warming up this coming week.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Katie got her braces off!

Dear Katie has her beautiful smile back. Here is the link for when she got them on two years ago.

Drew "preaching".

Yesterday morning in church we had our "School service". This helps the people stay connected with our school and what is needed and who is doing what. The 7th and 8th grade Bible class had the service, led by Miss Marlene Kerley. The kids sang and gave testimonies, then Drew gave a little sermon about God's presence. It was cute and he didn't act nervous at all. So I was a little bit proud of him, you might say. I forgot my camera, so I only had my phone camera, which doesn't take the best pictures. I can't zoom it either. So Drew is right behind the pulpit, but the window is so bright you can hardly see him.